Eldene Surgery
6 GP Practice
Built in 2009
GP area 736 SqM
The GP’s were located in a 1970’s Health Centre. They needed more space, so did the health authority. Even so… it took a considerable time to get final sign off from the NHS to allow the Drs to move onto a piece of Public Open Space adjacent to a local school and utilising the same Health Centre car park.
Finding this site was a very long winded process, despite eventually being built the other side of the car park!
In this area of Swindon a design was always going to be reflective as it is a midst a 1970’s housing style with little long standing features to help create a building of sympathy and interest for the long standing quality that we always aspire to. We believe that we have achieved a building that will stand the test of time and provide the local community a high quality facility which will not date particularly as the generations go on.
Eldene Surgery is another one of our surgeries that we have linked with a local Dispensary to provide a greater service of convenience for the Patients.
How We Got There
“To end my working days in such a place considering that 31 years ago when I started we worked from two very small rooms. It’s been magnificent.”
Dr Geoff Walder, Retired Senior Partner, Lilliput Surgery, Sandbanks